Please contact us if you have any questions or are interested in the Groeien met Groen Staal project. Mail your question via info@groeienmetgroenstaal.nl.
Erik Vegter, M2i, explains in an interview with Warmte365 the role and possibilities of green steel for use in heat pumps. Heat pumps consume little energy and now use natural refrigerants. The steel used in heat pumps is now the…
We are thrilled to announce that the kick-off meeting for our ambitious ‘Groeien met Groen Staal’ Programme, held on May 22 and 23, 2024, was a resounding success! The two-day meeting set a strong foundation for what promises to be…
The Materials Science and Engineering Department (MSE) of Delft University of Technology is organising the yearly Materials Technology Day on July 5, 2024. The program highlights the ‘Groeien met Groen Staal’ Programme. You can find the agenda and how to…
The positive news of the official approval of the ‘Groeien met Groen Staal’ programme was followed by a pre-kickoff meeting on February 19, 2024. Steering group and theme leaders came together to make a first start in shaping the organisation…
This is a significant achievement, and our consortium is excited to start now and take the required steps towards transforming the entire steel cycle in the Netherlands and abroad into a green sustainable cycle. We are proud to have a…
According to Statista.com’s report, in Europe we consume on average more than 320 kg of finished steel products per capita per year, and it’s only going to get more. Where can we find all this steel? In public transport (trains…
On June 30th, the Nationaal Groeifonds committee gave a positive advice for the granting of the Groeien met Groen Staal (Growing with Green Steel) proposal. This programme is a plan to make the Dutch steel sector more sustainable by 2030,…